It’s proprietary, punctual and allows advisors to be more proficient – creating accurate 15 page Valuation reports in under 20 minutes. Added bonus – it’s a far more cost – effective solution for your clients than going with an outside Valuation firm.
It’s proprietary, punctual and allows advisors to be more proficient – creating accurate 15 page Valuation reports in under 20 minutes. Added bonus – it’s a far more cost – effective solution for your clients than going with an outside Valuation firm.
How many business owners do you think you can handle? Keep that number in mind as a goal, because our team will help you achieve it. Seriously – we’ve got the tools, talent and strategy to provide serious support.
Communication is key. So we vow to jumpstart client conversations-the kind of conversations that lead to you helping business owners discover what their business is truly worth – so you can educate them on the services they need.
Formal valuation referrals are a great source of generating fee income.
By knowing your client’s worth, you’re not just knocking on opportunity’s door, you’re kicking it wide open with the prospect of increasing its value. Two words: “Exit Planning.”
They open up the flood gates of long-term product placement. They also happen to be the best source of referrals – so what’s not to love?
**Discounts for multiple users or payment of year in full, please inquire.
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